CAS Interview 1

Dear All,

Students have been asked to contact you to arrange a date for you to conduct their first interview. Please be assured that the interview should not take longer than about 10 mins per student. It is normal that they are confused at the moment as their introduction to MB and CAS is tomorrow during assembly. After that they should have no excuse!

Top tips:

1. Please check their CAS portfolio against THIS rubric and ensure they are succeeding or exceeding expectations

2. You can share with them THESE questions BEFORE their interview and ask them to make a copy and select 5 questions to answer.

3. These answers can then be cut and pasted in the interview box at the bottom of their first page of MB

To record their interview on MB:

1. On the first page of their MB page, tick the interview box and entitle it CAS interview 1

2. Cut and paste their answers to the questions (ABOVE) if you have sent them to them 

3. Make a brief comment about whether they are on track, exceeding or below expectations in accordance with the rubric (below)

After their interview, please use the progress markers to indicate whether they are on track (green flag) exceeding (cup) or below (red flag) expectations in relation to the CAS rubric. I will chase up the ones who are below expectations.

Hope that helps. Any questions please let me know. Remember the students should be doing most of the work - they should be chasing you for an interview not the other way around.

Email below for the Yr 12 students you see (please make a copy of the google doc questions if you want to use them)

1. Check your CAS portfolio against THIS rubric and ensure your are succeeding or exceeding expectations

2. Answer THESE questions on the doc BEFORE your interview (add your name)